Tai Chi & Qigong
Yang-style Tai Chi for health has a multitude of health benefits from being great for memory, balance, coordination, relaxation, relief of anxiety and depression symptoms, and is proven to stave off symptoms of dementia for longer. Qigong is concentrated more on the body and optimum internal health, and its movements have specific functions and uses. We follow and understand the Taoist philosophy which Tai Chi and Qigong stem from and are very much still a part of in the present day.
In Calmness,
We are strong.
Joining A Class As A Beginner...
I Understand... It's difficult to come along to something you don't know, when you think everyone there will know everything and you're worried you might look or feel 'silly'. Well, don't worry - you won't!
Tai Chi is something that we're all, always learning and always improving. I've designed my classes now so that people can join in at any time. Come and stand in the middle so that you have people you can see on each side. If you get stuck, just watch for a bit. You'll see some of the regulars get stuck too!
When you come to a class, just remember that Tai Chi takes a long time to learn. I've designed the syllabus so that you'll learn all of it at some point and you'll pick bits up through the weeks. Some weeks are easier than others.
One thing I do know, is that you've always wanted to give it a go. So come along.
Give it a go.
Current Classes, locations and times...
Monday - Strumpshaw Community Hall - 1pm (2 spaces)
Thursday - Potter Heigham Village Hall - 11am (class FULL )
Thursday - North Walsham, St. Benets room in St. Nicholas Curch hall - (Parksinson's only) 1.30pm
Thursday - Wroxham Church Hall - 6pm
Friday - Acle Methodist Church Room - (mixed + seated) 10am (class FULL)
Tai Chi and Parksinson's
Tai Chi is one of a collection of excercises that is especially useful for people with Parksinson's with one of the main benefits being that it helps with balance and posture. It is also relaxing and social and can help with feelings of unhappiness and isolation that sometimes come with the diagnosis.
If you are newly diagnosed / early stage or are already quite active, you may find that you can join in with a regular class. Starting early and combining Tai Chi with other more vigorous exercise can slow the pace of your symptoms and improve your general well being.
If you are further down the line and finding balance and posture more difficult or have other issues as a result of side effects of your medication, you may find my adapted classes more appropriate. These are in early stages currently and there aren't many available - however, if you can't see anything suitable on the website, do contact me as there could be a need in your area and I may already be planning something.
Thursdays - 1.30pm
St. Nicholas Church, North Walsham. St Benets room (on the right as you go in) NR28 9BT